Sunday, July 21, 2013

Violating The Catholic Conscience

Today, 1 out of 5 people in this country receive their medical care at a Catholic hospital. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3 million students a day in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, 1,200 Catholic High Schools, and 5,000 Catholic grade schools in the USA. Every day, the Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other organization in the world.

The new Obama Health Mandate could end all this. We have a president who, for the first time in U.S. history, is directly assaulting the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. Once again, this administration is on the wrong side of our Constitution.

If the Catholic Church closes parochial schools where will those students be educated? They will merge with students in the public school system. If Catholic hospitals and institutions were to close its doors, where will those patients go for medical treatment?  The sick will be treated in public facilities. AND who will foot the bill? We will. AND where will we get the funds? Shrug, we are already financially overburdened. Also, all Catholic adoption services would come to an end. A human disaster.

This is not an idle threat. It is reality. Catholics devoted to the true teachings of Christ cannot consent to abortion in any form. Catholics devoted to the true teachings of Christ know they will stand before God and answer to Him for whom we vote into office and what issues upon which we stand firm. The Sanctity of Life is not negotiable as well as the dispensing of abortifacient drugs, artificial birth control and providing sterilization.  

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago predicts that Catholic Hospitals will be gone in "Two Lents" under Obamacare regulations. The Catholic Church in the United States is being told that it must give up its health care operations, according to the cardinal. "Catholic hospitals, universities and social services have an institutional conscience, a conscience shaped by Catholic moral and social teaching" said Cardinal George. "The HHS regulations now before our society will make it impossible for Catholic institutions to follow their conscience." If the HHS regulations are not rescinded there will be few choices.  The sobering truth? Pay for practices they consider immoral, hire and serve only Catholics or Close down. This will leave millions of Americans with insufficient services and will also put their health in dire jeopardy.

Statistics anyone?  Catholic hospitals serve: 16.6% on Medicare, 13.65% on Medicaid which is one in six seniors and disabled patients as well as one in eight low-income patients. 32% of these patients live in areas with few options for health care. They lead in breast cancer screening, nutrition programs, trauma, geriatric services, and social work. In many cases, they accept payment as full from Medicaid. Force Obamacare on the Catholic Church and 400+ health centers and 1,500 specialized homes will dissolve like Alka-Seltzer. Our current system will have to absorb almost $100 BILLION in costs each year. The Fiscal Times. 

As a result, the Catholic Church in the United States is being told that it must give up its health care operations, according to the cardinal. “Catholic hospitals, universities and social services have an institutional conscience, a conscience shaped by Catholic moral and social teaching,” said Cardinal George. “The HHS regulations now before our society will make it impossible for Catholic institutions to follow their conscience.” - See more at:
Cardinal Francis George, Catholic archbishop of Chicago. - See more at:
Cardinal Francis George, Catholic archbishop of Chicago. - See more at:
There are more than 77 million Catholics in this country. It takes an estimated 50 million Catholic votes to elect a president. Please, for God's sake (literally), go to the polls in 2014 and be united in replacing all Senators and Reps with someone who will respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions besides Islam.

Obama said, "The USA is not a Christian Nation." He is wrong- we are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in America to Worship and Practice Freely. Something Islam will never do. 

Pray For Our Nation               God Bless America


  1. God bless America, indeed. Thank you for such a good post.

  2. Thanks, Nancy, for your comment as well as your faithful reading of my posts. So nice to "friend" you on FB. I fixed two small errors in this post..grrrrr, how I hate not catching mistakes during proof reading. But I'm happy the message came across okay. Take care, dear. N
